Jim Hartung

For over 80 years, systems engineering has helped America
lead in science, technology, industry, and business.

Now, systems engineering can help us address our most difficult
social, economic, envronmental, and political problems.


Frequently Asked Questions

Following are 11 frequently asked questions. Contact me you have questions that are not on this list.

What is systems engineering (SE)?

2. The
 book Rational Tax Reform uses SE to develop a comprehensive, nonpartisan tax reform proposal. What are its key features?

3. The book Rational Tax Reform uses SE to develop a new approach for universal health care, “Medicare Choice”. What are its key features?

4. The proposed tax reform (1) balances the federal budget and (2) funds universal health care—without increasing tax rates or the economic burden on taxpayers. How does it do this?

5. The proposed tax reform includes carbon dividends. What are carbon dividends—and why did you include them in your proposed tax reform?

6. Why is the proposed tax system better than the current tax system?

7. Why is the proposed tax reform better than other tax reform proposals developed in the past 30 years?

8. What types of problems can Congress and the president address using the SE process?

9. How can Congress and the president use SE to address our most serious social, economic, and political problems?

10. Has the coronavirus pandemic changed your views on any of the subjects addressed in your book?

11. Boeing used SE to develop the 737 MAX aircraft. Does that suggest the SE process is flawed?