Jim Hartung

For over 80 years, systems engineering has helped America
lead in science, technology, industry, and business.

Systems engineering can also help us address our most difficult
social, economic, envronmental, and political problems.

Take Action

Following is a list of key organizations and individuals who can use the SE process, teach the SE process, and spread the word about the SE process. If you are a member of one of these organizations, or if you know someone who is, please consider taking action as discussed in the following paragraphs.

Congress and the president: Congress and the president are in an ideal position to lead a national discussion to fix our political system. The best way for them to lead is by implementing the SE process. To do this, Congress should take two actions. First, they should establish a new organization to develop nonpartisan proposals for Congressional consideration. Second, they should direct this new organization to propose solutions for America’s most serious problems and update their proposals annually. Read more.

State and local governments: Unlike Congress, many state and local governments already have organizations that develop and propose nonpartisan solutions. This is a good start, but much more can be done. Read more.

Public policy organizations:  
Public policy organizations can promote  political reform and tax reform by using the systems engineering (SE) process to develop public policy recommendations. Their recommendations can inform federal, state, and local leaders about the  range of possible nonpartisan solutions to societal problems. The knowledge and experience that public policy organizations gain from using SE will then make them more effective advocates for their recommended policies. Read more.

Lawmakers and policymakers:
Lawmakers and policymakers should consider the needs of all stakeholders and use SE and other fact-based and data-driven methods when developing public policies. SE should be the “go to” process for developing solutions for complex societal problems, just as it is the “go to” process for engineers developing complex products and systems. Read more.

Educators and universities:
Educators should teach the systems engineering (SE) process and universities with public policy programs should include SE as a key part of their education and research programs. Read more.

Civic and political organizations:
Civic organizations such as the League of Women Voters and the Rotary Club have been promoting nonpartisanship for many years. Systems engineering (SE) provides a new process that they can use to promote nonpartisan, fact-based, and data-driven policies. Read more.

Business and philanthropic
Educators should teach the systems engineering (SE) process and universities with public policy programs should include SE as a key part of their education and research programs. Read more.

Book club
Book clubs can contribute to a national discussion about political system reform and tax reform by (1) watching the free video, Systems Engineering for a Better America, (2) reading the (free) booklet, Beyond Partisan Politics, and (3) reading the book, Rational Tax Reform. Read more.

Concerned citize
Concerned citizens such as you and I will ultimately decide by our voices and votes whether America becomes more divided or united. We can make a difference. Read more.

SE advoca
I hope that a few highly motivated individuals and groups will take a prominent role in promoting the systems engineering (SE) process. Read more.

Contact me me with your suggestions or to obtain my assistance. I am happy to participate in a virtual meeting with you and your team. If you like the systems engineering process, let’s find a way to work together. I am especially interested in working with you if (1) you want to apply the systems engineering process to address major societal problems, (2) you want to teach the systems engineering process, or (3) you can help convince Congress and the president to use the systems engineering process.