Jim Hartung

For over 80 years, systems engineering has helped America
lead in science, technology, industry, and business.

Systems engineering can also help us address our most difficult
social, economic, envronmental, and political problems.


Concerned citizens

Concerned citizens such as you and I will ultimately decide by our voices and votes whether America becomes more divided or united. We can make a difference.

You should vote for politicians who will consider the needs of all stakeholders when developing public policy, and who articulate specific plans (such as SE) for bringing us together for the common good. This is especially important for far-left and far-right candidates who tend to be more ideological than centrist candidates. However, even centrist candidates need to develop specific plans for how they will unite America.

I developed this website, prepared the video, Systems Engineering for a Better America, and wrote Beyond Partisan Politics and Rational Tax Reform to help jump-start a discussion on political system reform and tax reform. You can contribute to this conversation as follows:

Personal contacts: Talk to your friends and relatives about political system reform and tax reform. Send an email to them or post a message on social media. If you know one or more prominent opinion leaders and change-makers, talk to them and suggest that they get involved.

Social media: You can publicize the need for political system reform and tax reform through social media. Add your voice to the national discussion. I intend to actively promote nonpartisan reform. You can find creative and interesting ways to express your views and inform Americans about the need for action.

Crowdsourcing: We can crowdsource political system reform and tax reform. After you read Rational Tax Reform, post a review on Amazon. Describe what you like and dislike about the SE process and the proposed tax reform. Politicians, policymakers, and anyone else will then be able to read the Amazon book reviews and learn what a broad cross-section of Americans think about political system reform and tax reform. I will use your comments to improve this website, update the video Systems Engineering for a Better America and the booklet, Beyond Partisan Politics. If enough reviews and comments are posted, I will also develop a second edition of the book, Rational Tax Reform.